The private library of Gustaf Mannerheim contains approximately 5300 works. Like the cultural historical collection and the photography collection the library has been built up mostly during Mannerheim’s lifetime through his many contacts. The library contains mostly works concerning military history and biographies. However, it is also possible to find a large number of fictional works. All in all, there are books in 14 different languages, mostly in Swedish, French and Russian.


The Marshal originally asked for help in his cataloguing from the librarian Ms. Greta Ahnger from the Helsinki university library. The collection does not contain any rarities, but it is a collection of that time’s literature, mostly memoirs, autobiographical work, works of history and other nonfiction. The collection is proof of the extensive networks Mannerheim had.


A comprehensive listing has been established from the Mannerheim Library by Special Librarian Emerita Sirkka Havu, Ph.D. and Sarka Prokopova, M.A. The committee has also included Alex Kransman, Liisa Oikari, Toni Piipponen and Laura Martin-Wurtz. The list can be found below.


Library catalogue
Library catalogue (XLS) 


The museum additionally has a comprehensive Mannerheim-themed reference library. The reference library includes Mannerheim-subject literature as well as historical research. The reference library is accessible to researchers by agreement.