Baron Gustaf Mannerheim, Marshal of Finland, 1867—1951. |
1867 | 4.6 | Born at Louhisaari Manor, Askainen. |
1882 | Entered the Finnish Military Cadet School at Hamina. | |
1886 | 22.7 | Dismissed from the cadet school. |
1887 | 14.5 | Matriculated as a student from Helsinki Private Lyceum. |
1887 | 14.9 | Entered the Nikolaevski Cavalry School, St. Petersburg. |
1889 | 22.8 | Promoted to the rank of Cornet (Second Lieutenant) in the 15th Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich's Alexandra Dragoon Regiment in Kalisz, Poland. |
1890 | 13.12 | Commissioned to H.M. the Empress Maria Feodorovna's Chevalier Life Guards regiment. |
1891 | 8.8 | Transferred to this regiment. |
1893 | 11.9 | Promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the guards. |
1897 | 14.9 | Detailed for special duties in the administration of the Court Stables, while still attached to the Chevalier Guards regiment. |
1899 | 3.8 | Promoted to the rank of Second Captain in the Court Stables. |
1897—1901 | Sent by the administration of the Court Stables on numerous journeys abroad for the procuring of horses. | |
1902 | 19.12 | Promoted to Captain of the Court Stables. |
1903 | 11.6 | Appointed, while still attached to the Chevalier Guards regiment, as chief of the model squadron on the permanent staff of the cavalry officers' training school. |
1904 | 12.9 | Transferred to these duties. |
1904 | 20.10 | Transferred to the post of Lieutenant-Colonel of the 52nd Nezhin Dragoon Regiment (from 1907 onwards the 18th Nezhin Hussars). |
1904—1905 | Took part in the war against Japan. | |
1905—1906 | Acted as assistant to the regiment's commander at Yelets (Government of Orel). | |
1905 | 11.12 | Promoted to the rank of Colonel (backdated to 4.3.1905). |
1905—1906 | Represented his family at the last Diet of the Finnish Estates in Helsinki. | |
1906—1908 | Dispatched to Central Asia and China on special duties. | |
1909 | 18.1 | Appointed Commander of the 13th Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich's Wladimir Uhlan Regiment of the Life Guards at Novominsk (today Nowy Mińsk Mazowiecki), Poland. |
1911 | 12.1 | Appointed Commander of His Majesty's Imperial Uhlan Regiment of the Life Guards in Warsaw. |
1911 | 26.2 | Promoted to the rank of Major-General. |
1912 | 18.10 | Appointed Major-General in the Imperial Retinue, while retaining his position as Commander of the Uhlan Regiment. |
1914 | 6.1 | Appointed Commander of the Cavalry Guards Brigade Detachment (Warsaw), while retaining his position as Commander of the Uhlan Regiment (have acted temporarily in this capacity on numerous occasions previously). |
1914—1917 | Took part in the war against Germany, Austria-Hungary and others. | |
1915 | 3.3 | Appointed acting Commander of the 12th Cavalry Division. |
1915 | 7.7 | Appointed Commander of the division. |
1916 | 24.12 | Appointed Commander of the "Wrancza" joint Russian-Romanian Battle Group in the Carpathians. |
1917 | 25.6 | Appointed Commander of the VI Cavalry Corps. |
1917 | 8.5 | Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General. |
1917 | 4.9 | Dispatched on leave from the front. |
1917 | 21.9 | Dismissed from his command. |
1917 | 3.10 | Transferred to the reserves in the military district of Odessa. |
1918 | 16.1 | Received an oral commission from the Senate of Finland to act as Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Military Forces with the duty of assembling and organizing an army. |
1918 | 26.1 | Received this commission in writing. |
1918 | 7.3 | Promoted to the rank of Cavalry General (backdated to 28.1). |
1918 | 31.5 | Resigned as Commander in Chief. |
1918 | 12.12 | Invited to become Regent of Finland. |
1918 | 30.12 | Resumed the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Army. |
1919 | 19.7 | Ratified the Finnish Constitution in his capacity as Regent. |
1919 | 30.7 | Resigned from the position of Regent of Finland and simultaneously from that of Commander-in-Chief. |
1920 | 4.10 | Founded the General Mannerheim Child Welfare League. |
1920—1935 | Served as chairman of the board of directors of the Union Bank of Finland. | |
1921—1951 | Served as chairman of the central board of the Finnish Red Cross up to the time of his death. | |
1931 | 20.3 | Appointed chairman of the National Defence Committee, and Commander-in-Chief on the outbreak of war. |
1932 | 6.11 | Represented the Finnish government at the ceremony to commemorate the tricentenary of the death of King Gustav II Adolf in Lötzen. |
1933 | 19.5 | Promoted to the rank of Field-Marshal. |
1936 | 29.1 | Represented the Finnish government at the funeral of King George V in London. |
1939 | 30.11 | Appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Defence Forces and served in this capacity... |
1944 | 31.12 | ...until |
1942 | 4.6 | Granted the title of Marshal of Finland. |
1944 | 4.8 | Elected President of Finland. |
1945 | 3.9 | Founded the General Gustaf Mannerheim National Fund, the present-day Mannerheim Foundation. |
1946 | 6.3 | Resigned from the post of President of Finland. |
1951 | 27.1 | Died in Lausanne, Switzerland (28.1 Finnish time). |
1951 | 4.2 | Buried in Hietaniemi Military Cemetery in Helsinki. |
Spouse | Anastasia Nikolaevna Arapoff, born in Moscow 9.1.1872, died in Paris 31.12.1936, daughter of Major-General and aide-de-camp Nikolai Ustinovich Arapoff, Chief of Police in Moscow, and his second wife Vera Alexandrovna Kazakova. | |
Children | ||
Anastasia | Born in St. Petersburg 23.4.1893, died in London 19.4.1978. Live as a Carmelite nun in England. | |
Sofia | Born in St. Petersburg 7.7.1895, died in Paris 8.2.1963. Served as general wreath-binder at the degree ceremony in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Helsinki in 1919. | |
Written works | ||
1909 | Predvaritelny ochet o poyezdke, predprinyatoi po Vysochaishemu poveleniu cherez Kitaiskii Turkestan i severnya provintsii Kitaya v g. Pekin, v 1906-7 i 8 g.g., polkovnika barona Mannergeima. Izdanie Glavnago Upravlenia Generalnago Shtaba. (Sbornik geograficheskikh, topograficheskikh i statisticheskikh materialov po Azii. Vypusk LXXXI. Voyennaya Tipografia, S.Peterburg 1909.) | |
1911 | A Visit to the Sarö and Shera Yögurs. Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne XXVII (preface signed 10.8.1909 in Helsinki). | |
1940 | Across Asia - From West to East in 1906 1908 I-II. Helsinki: Société Finno-Ougrienne 1940, 741; 256 s. Edited by Kaarlo Hildén translated by Edward Birse. New edition: Oosterhout N.B., Anthropological Publications, 1969. | |
1940 | Tigerjakter i Indien. Fritt efter ett föredrag höllet vid Finlands Allmänna Jägarförbundets årsmöte våren 1937. Finlands Jakt- och Fiske tidskrift, 35:e årgången. | |
1942 | Puhtain asein. Sotamarsalkka Mannerheimin päiväkäskyjä 1918. Med rena vapen. Fältmarskalken Mannerheims dagorder 1918—1942. 1942. | |
1951—1952 | Minnen I-II (Memoirs, translated into Finnish as Muistelmat I-II. Abridged versions published at least in Swedish, Finnish, French, English, German, Estonian, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian, Polish and Romanian). |